Wednesday, April 16, 2008

When the enemy creeps into our lives, we wonder how he got in.
He creeps in through open areas (places not totally surrendered to God) of our lives.
But, what I want to bring to your attention is this, he wasn't invited.
Now, isn't that something...HA, Lord I thank you.
Think back to when you were in the world and you weren't invited to a party.
You either thought about crashing (inviting yourself) the party OR you did crash the party.

Well, that's what the enemy does...he crashes the party by crashing into our lives.
We must stand in all POWER and AUTHORITY through Christ Jesus and inform him that he was not invited so he MUST VACATE THE PREMISES....IMMEDIATELY!

The one person who should always be invited to your party...wait, I have a better one, the one person who should be the ONLY GUEST is JESUS!!!

So, who's on your guest list?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Are You Set In Your Ways?

Often we hear people state, "Well, I'm set in my ways so, take it or leave it." Well, God spoke to me this morning:

We are not to be set in our ways. We are to exchange our ways for God's Ways.

Only GOD is allowed to be set in His Ways because it's all about Him and will always be about Him...not us.

Our ways should be set only in & on His Word...this way you will never be moved by every doctrine, well, false and unwavering doctrine that is; you will never keep accepting just anything; you will stop making excuses for being "set in your ways", but you will be set on a solid rock which is JESUS.

So, will you continue to choose being "set in your ways" or will you choose JESUS' WAYS? Are you truly & wholeheartedly willing to give up all for HIM?

TODAY, please take time to do a self-evaluation of yourself and your "set ways." Whatever GOD asks for, release it to Him and receive your replacement - HIM.

Kam-Marie Goodwin